
Launch event of the WINS project (Day 2.)

The launch event of the WINS project was composed of two days. Please find below the agenda of Day 2.

Date:24ᵗʰ of February, 2021

Time:10.30 – 12.30 (CET)

Topic: Information, consultation and participation rights: focus on Workers’ Buyout. How trade unions and social economy enterprises make it happen together!


10.30 – 10.45
Welcoming words: what is the WINS project?
Gianluca Pastorelli, Executive President, Diesis Network and Pedro Blazquez Rubio, Project Coordinator, COCETA

10:45 – 11.10
Stand Up for the Social Pillar Alliance
Giuseppe Guerini, President, CECOP 
Marina Monaco, Advisor, ETUC 

11.10 – 11.40
European Pillar of Social Rights and the Social Economy – Towards the Action Plan
Ann Branch, Head of Unit Job Creation, DG Employment, European Commission 

11.40 – 12.25
ICP rights and Social Economy – The case of worker owned cooperatives and business transfers to  employees
– The example of Spain: challenges and opportunities, Paloma Arroyo, Director, COCETA 
– The example of Italy: Agreement between social economy enterprises and trade unions, Gianluca Bianco, Coordinator of CISL National Department of collective bargaining, CISL and Antonio Zampiga, responsible of Industrial Relations, Legacoop
ESOP and Marcora: Two models for European WBO schemes, Tej Gonza, Managing Director and Co founder, Institute for Economic Democracy in Slovenia and Dr. David P. Ellerman, President and Co founder, Institute for Economic Democracy in Slovenia. 

12.25 – 12.30

The event is moderated by Melinda Kelemen, Senior Expert in Labour Market, Diesis Network

Download the summary of the event below.