Related projects

Improvement of the process of workplace information and consultation for better employees’ and workers’ representation in Europe (INFORMIA  project)

Date: 2012

Author: CITUB (project promoter)

The project INFORMIA promoted by the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions
in Bulgaria (CITUB) is funded under Budget heading, Employment, Social
Affairs and Equal Opportunities DG of EC. It aims to analyze the system of information
and consultation at work-place (including the EWC) in four EU member–states and
one candidate country, focusing on the new member-states and candidate countries and
to offer transnational exchange of experience and best practice examples among the
partner countries in order to promote and improve the establishment and functioning
of better workplace representation structures and to make a positive impact upon the
industrial relations in general in the partner countries – Bulgaria, Italy, France, Ireland
and Croatia.

You can access to read the information, here.  

Language: English

Informia Report 2012